
This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

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    "query": {
        "allcategories": [
                "size": 48,
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                "*": "Aerodrome Controller"
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                "pages": 18,
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                "*": "Allgemeines Grundwissen"
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                "pages": 40,
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                "*": "Approach Controller"
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                "pages": 25,
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                "*": "Center Controller"
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                "pages": 24,
                "files": 0,
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                "*": "Commercial Pilot"
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                "pages": 17,
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                "*": "Flugfunk"
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                "*": "Formeln und Tabellen"
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                "*": "Grundwissen Allgemein"
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                "*": "Grundwissen Lotsen"